Squishy Blueberry |
Squishy Blueberry was born many years ago and was my first imagined character. At the time, he represented to me the things I wanted to embody more in my own life: a childlike inquisitiveness, unbounded confidence and zest for life, and deep present moment awareness - things I still struggle with to this day. In addition to being a loyal muse and funny companion, he is responsible for my (ad)venture into a life outside the lines pursuing ways to bring dreams of educational and healing children's media to life.
Picture BooksI started bringing Squishy to life visually in 2013 and created two picture books. While the books are more like illustrated poetry than a traditional story, they are a window into the whimsical, abstract, imaginative world that Squishy Blueberry explores on his adventures. You can get print-on-demand and kindle copies on Amazon.
TV Show Dreams
I'm working to develop Squishy Blueberry into a kids TV show that teaches socio-emotional, natural and mindfulness lessons. I still have work to do, such as testing out the different characters on people to see which ones resonates the most, to help inform the final pitch decks and episodes. If you take the quiz below, I'd love to hear which character you are - send me a message: amanda@dinklingpublishing.com.
What's in a Name?
How did Squishy Blueberry get his name? It's not what you think!