J.E.D.I. Philosophy: The Power of Showing up
In order to write novels or screenplays, or create a great work of art of any kind, the most important thing is to show up regularly to do it. It's more important than raw talent and original ideas, and in fact essential for developing those. It's also required in order for us to embody the confidence required to market and sell our work. It's basically a no-brainer.
So why don't we? Here are some of the reasons I have found:
All of these reasons are important to examine as one embarks on the path of the serious career writer and creative. But at the end of the day, anyone, in theory, can be one. The only requirement to making it real, besides the ability to use language to express ideas, is to simply show up and do it every day, over and over again.
It's in the rather mundane action of simply showing up that the magic happens - more ideas arise, deeper learning of the craft occurs, and new opportunities materialize. As you hone the skills and create the materials, an important transformation occurs where you take on the identity and confidence to complete projects, submit your work, keep going after rejections, and reach the "YESes" that can open up ways for you to share your work with the world and be compensated for it.
There are many resources out there to help you, such as:
My J.E.D.I. Writers group relates to the showing up and accountability piece of this journey. I can also help guide you to affordable and free resources for honing your craft, learning mindset principles and therapy.
So why don't we? Here are some of the reasons I have found:
- Humans have an innate resistance to risk, and writing (and creating art) can be a big investment of time for a very uncertain outcome, for an artist's path often has no predefined map to success;
- It's hard to take action on something that doesn't feel real. For those of us without role models who pursued their art passions growing up, it can feel like a pie in the sky dream;
- Mixed messaging on what it takes to achieve one's goals and dreams can lead some to confuse magical thinking with practical mindset work; and
- Limiting beliefs that are personal ("I'm not worthy"), generational ("people like us don't get to have creative careers") and cultural ("writing is not a stable career"), create blocks that can be hard to even see and know are there without deep introspective work.
All of these reasons are important to examine as one embarks on the path of the serious career writer and creative. But at the end of the day, anyone, in theory, can be one. The only requirement to making it real, besides the ability to use language to express ideas, is to simply show up and do it every day, over and over again.
It's in the rather mundane action of simply showing up that the magic happens - more ideas arise, deeper learning of the craft occurs, and new opportunities materialize. As you hone the skills and create the materials, an important transformation occurs where you take on the identity and confidence to complete projects, submit your work, keep going after rejections, and reach the "YESes" that can open up ways for you to share your work with the world and be compensated for it.
There are many resources out there to help you, such as:
- classes for mastering specific writing and technical skills;
- books and coaching programs for mastering success mindsets;
- programs that teach fundamental entrepreneurial skills for working artists;
- accountability groups that hold the space for you to stay focused and show up; and,
- the often overlooked step of nervous system regulation ("Step Zero"), getting to the state of calmness required, not just to get into the creative flow, but also to face uncomfortable feelings that can arise.
My J.E.D.I. Writers group relates to the showing up and accountability piece of this journey. I can also help guide you to affordable and free resources for honing your craft, learning mindset principles and therapy.
J.E.D.I. Writers Community Writing Group
The J.E.D.I. Writers Group is for those who desire community and accountability to stay on track towards their writing and creative goals. We get together to work on projects in 60-75 minute shifts throughout the week with time for sharing at the beginning and end of the sessions. You will also be invited to sign up for 1:1 brainstorming calls with me, and join a private J.E.D.I. Facebook group where you can participate in writing challenges and connect with each other between weekly sessions. A small monthly fee helps to hold both me as the host and coach, and you as a member, accountable to showing up.
J.E.D.I. Writers Membership
Try the J.E.D.I. membership for $9.99
for the first month. Note: Additional times can be created if these don't work.
J.E.D.I. Mastermind - Mindset and Brainstorming Sessions
60Minute 1:1 Brainstorming Session ($75)
This is one-one time for you to talk about your creative projects - whether it's a new offering for your business, a creative writing story idea or plot point, or an emotional block. The topic is up to you, and I will use my strategy and problem solving skills and natural empathy to help brainstorm ideas and solutions to get you further toward your goals. The goal for me is that you walk away with concrete ideas and next steps to take on your journey.
This is one-one time for you to talk about your creative projects - whether it's a new offering for your business, a creative writing story idea or plot point, or an emotional block. The topic is up to you, and I will use my strategy and problem solving skills and natural empathy to help brainstorm ideas and solutions to get you further toward your goals. The goal for me is that you walk away with concrete ideas and next steps to take on your journey.
J.E.D.I. Editing Services
Currently Fully Booked.
Resources for Writers and Creators
Four Commitments of a J.E.D.I. Writer - inspiration about the creative process & the magic of showing up.
Three Mantras for Getting in the Creative Flow - mantras to help to capture the feeling of being in the flow. |
For the beginning dabbler in writing, I created a list of my favorite sources for inspiration, networking & all kinds of writing - poetry, comics, screenwriting, and children's books.
For the aspiring poet, I created a compiliation document of 9 Poetry Forms to Inspire Your Muse, with examples for each poem type.