How interesting that it's not what we DO that makes us fascinating, radiant, magnetic. It's the relationship that we have with ourselves inside, our alignment with our truths, that attracts the people, relationships and experiences into our lives. This musing was inspired by a fellow graduate of Made to Do This, who wrote:
"I want you to picture a person who, when you walk into a room, you are drawn too. A person that radiates light. A person that is full of self assurance, completely comfortable in their own skin. They don’t have to be surrounded by a crowd, but there is a quiet assurance that they are right where they should be and they are there with intention. They are honest and REAL.....What’s 1 word you would use to describe that person- just one." I noticed two categories of answers - one was to describe the person on the inside - "loving, peaceful, self assured", and the other describing more the person’s impact on others on the outside "radiant, magnetic, attractive." The first is the cause, the second is the effect. It made me remember something I've always deeply believed - that our inner selves are what attracts people to us - in a new way. It's more than being a good person deep down (aren’t we all) and it’s more than thinking good thoughts about others. It’s the relationship we have with ourselves that really defines who we are inside - how we feel inside...and how aligned we are with our deepest truths. And this alignment and these feelings are what attracts our experiences. This really touched me. It's become clear that I am in need of a new shift in how I talk and speak to myself inside to get through some blocks that have been challenging me for the past few years. I can see a new life opening before me.
Author:Amanda I. Greene This is where I share thoughtful, and sometimes unpolished, musings in the form of philosophical explorations, inspirations, poems, and artwork.
March 2025