A few years ago, I started noticing how books like Brave New World and 1984 seemed to be coming true. While maybe they simply predicted the future, what if they also helped create it, by planting the seeds in our minds? Was this all really inevitable?
What if we started imagining, very specifically, the good news we want to see and hear? More than just broad concepts of "peace," but very detailed stories of GOOD things happening. Would that help usher in a brighter future? Well, that's what I'm trying to find out. I know it's not as exciting of a read as a dystopian novel like Hunger Games. But with the right mix of humor and sarcasm, I think envisioning good things can actually be quite entertaining and humorous. Imagine the News is not about putting our head in the sands and seeing the world through rose colored glasses. It is a way, as I see it, to take a hard stance and rebel against what is going on today in the world. What we focus on grows. Let's focus on the dreams!
Check out Squishy Speaks latest post - a very strange story about Eggbert Feebert.
The Lesser-Known Adventures of Eggbert Feebert It all started out with an Eggbert and a Feebert, neither of whom realized they were the only two things that existed in the entire emptiness of nothing. This is how the story begins. This is also how - for nine bazillion years - the story ends. Until, after nine bazillion years and one day something changed... Read More... |
Author:Amanda I. Greene This is where I share thoughtful, and sometimes unpolished, musings in the form of philosophical explorations, inspirations, poems, and artwork.
March 2025